Monday, November 1, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Joseph Interprets My Dream

By Desmond Rutherford (Adelaide, Australia) NOV 1 | I had it last night. I had a dream within a dream. I was in America somewhere, anywhere, you choose. 
I saw myself talking to my grandfather, and I heard him say quite clearly the same words he told me when I was eleven years old, just before he died, 
“It doesn’t matter which party you vote for, but remember this, neither party will do anything for you, but the left hand will do less against you.”
Now I wondered what he meant. So in my dream I floated across time and the ethos until I found a figure wearing a rainbow coat. 
“Excuse me,” I said, “Could you help me understand my dream?”
“I might be able to, what did you dream?” he asked.
So I told him my dream and he looked thoughtful for a moment and then told me,
“There have been eight years of barren times, of cruelty to many. An emperor denied the rights of a people who cried out for equality, for recognition of their love. And they were ignored.”
I told him I knew that, but what about my dream? He continued,
“There has been nearly two years of attempts to correct the evil which has been done, but it will take much more effort to undo the wrongs because those who supported them and the old emperor still spread their lies, still broadcast hate and fear.”
“What can we do?” I asked.
“There is a new emperor who is on your side, but his right hand stops his left hand from signing the declarations of freedom and equality for your people.
Therefore gather up your voices and shout loudly. Let your people know they must encourage him, not fault him for what little he has done, and let him and his party know that they have all of your support to do more. This will empower them to act.”
He swirled his rainbow coat around his body, and then uttered a warning,
“If you do not do this, there will be two more years of lost chances followed by eight more years of deprivation and unspeakable persecution.”
“Your grandfather saw this when he told you to vote for the left, because he too had suffered the famine of poverty, from the plagues and pestilence of greed and ignorance brought on by the drought of compassion which pervades the Pharisees on the right.”
My dream began to fade as his rainbow coat seemed to lift him over the clouds and in a swirl of colors I thought I saw my grandfather with his long white beard sitting high above me.
“Vote,” he seemed to say, “Vote for those who are not against you; the others will do everything they can to stop you, and that must not happen.”
It was then that I awoke and knew that my people must go forth to claim the freedom that is theirs by their birthright, the freedom to love each other, and I knew the only way I could vote.