Monday, November 1, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Joe.My.God Website: Kermit The Frog- "It Gets Better"

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) NOV 1 | Joe Jervis's widely popular blogspot, Joe.My.God, is showcasing a video today by one of its readers, Chris Tuttle. The video, which features television and motion picture star Kermit the Frog, is yet another in a long series of brilliantly done supportive videos contributing to the efforts of Dan Savage and the "It Gets Better" project,  which has been endorsed by the President of the United States,  as well as other notable political leaders and everyday folk hoping to spread the message to at risk LGBTQ youth and young adults that suicide should not be an option when times get rough and that bullying is simply wrong.
Tuttle, who voices Kermit in the video, ran a disclaimer on his YouTube page, noting that:
It Gets Better when we all do something! Report and stop bullying, get support to stop bullying and support great organizations that work to stop bullying, like GLSEN (, PFLAG (, and The Trevor Project (
Follow me on Twitter @christuttle
Creators Note: I am in no way affiliated with Kermit, The Muppets, Henson Company or Disney and make no money from the creation of this video. Simply a good message, entertainment and a little fun.