Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brody's Notes... Michigan Assistant AG Shirvell Threatens University With Lawsuit Over Campus Ban

Andrew Shirvell Appearing On CNN's AC360
By Mark Singer (Washington DC) OCT 27 | The lawyer representing  Michigan Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell, Philip Thomas, told reporters yesterday after the protection order request against his client was withdrawn, the No Trespass Order issued by University Of Michigan Public Safety Director Ken Magee barring Shirvell from the 3,000 acre Ann Arbor campus needs to be rescinded.
Shirvell, who had been subject to a hearing request for a restraining order filed against him by the UM Student Assembly President Chris Armstrong, through his attorney says that the restriction is no longer applicable in light of yesterday's actions. Armstrong, UM's first openly Gay student assembly president, had filed the restraining order request Sept. 13 after Shirvell attacked him online in a blog he created and accused Armstrong of promoting a "satanic radical homosexual agenda" and commenced showing up at University of Michigan events as well as outside Armstrong's residence to protest and heckle him, at one point according to Armstrong, at 1:30 AM.
Thomas stated that his client had attempted to get a hearing on the matter of the Trespass Order with UM Public Safety Director Magee at least three times since the order had been issued on September 14th.  A spokesperson for the UM Campus Police confirmed that a meeting had not been scheduled as of Monday.
“In the matter concerning the appeal of the trespass, we want that withdrawn,” Thomas said. “He should be able to go onto that campus for whatever reason. It’s legal as long as what he’s doing is legal, and he’s not threatening in any way.”Thomas added that his client is proud of having attended the university and loves his school.“The next step would be the courts,” he continued.
Because his client was not charged with a crime and the request was withdrawn, he noted:
“We’re confident when they see the Ann Arbor Police Department report, as well as evidence that the PPO has been dismissed, we’re hopeful that we’re going to be able to get both of those matters resolved, and that cooler heads will prevail."
Shirvell, who is currently on paid personal leave from the Michigan Attorney General's office according to Thomas, is due back on November 5th to face a disciplinary hearing.