Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brody's Notes... Former First Lady Laura Bush: "Bullying Of Every Kind, Certainly Gay Teens, ... Is Really Terrible."

Former First Lady & President G. W. Bush   Official White House Photo
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) OCT 27 | In an interview with ABCNews correspondent Deborah Roberts yesterday in Los Angeles at the 2010 Women's Conference, hosted by California's First Lady Maria Shriver, former first lady Laura Bush told Roberts that;
"Bullying of every kind, certainly gay teens, but any children is really terrible. We've read cases of children on the Internet where kids are committing suicide. It's really terrible. As adults, we have to be the ones who do something about it," Bush said in reference to a spate of recent suicides by Gay teens.
Mrs Bush, who has sharply deviated from adhering to a strictly conservative political idealogical stance since leaving the White House, on issues such as same-sex marriage and a woman's right to choose, said she was proud of her fellow Texan, openly gay Fort Worth Councilman Joel Burns, who was one of the first public officials to share a story of being bullied as a teenager and tell young people "it will get better."

From the Yahoo/ABCNews Newsmaker series: