Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Bigots Have No Place Anywhere Near Children

By Tim Trent (Dartmouth, England) OCT 27 | I wish that could include their own children, too. Sadly everyone has a right to breed and foment hatred of others in their kids. Are you listening, Fred Phelps? But having a role that involves the safeguarding and education of children, that is quite another matter. Those who reveal bigotry should be terminated at once. And thus we come to Clint McCance a school board member at Midland School District in Arkansas.
Clint is a man who has principles, that much is clear. Unfortunately he failed to keep those to himself.  Even more unfortunately those principles are evil. Instead he told the world on Facebook that all LGBT folk would be better of dead.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad by
We don't like it when 'Ave You 'Ad Yer Dinner Dad of Iran says that about Israel, and we don't like it when a guy who runs a carpet company in deepest Arkansas says that about LGBT folk.
You can read some of what bigotry boy said in this screen shot.
This has resulted in a Facebook group who wish him to be fired that had 8,000 members when I woke today and now has 10343, and a petition on to have him dismissed which had 2,591 signatures when I checked last. The Facebook group and other places have the guy's business address, the asserted but not cited statement that his company has a contract with the board on which he serves as a member, and quite a lot more.
I'd love to safeguard his current and future children away from bigotry like this, but that's a stupid reaction. So is my desire to do him harm, or to do his business harm. It would be juvenile and inexcusable to do any of that. My only hope is to try to educate him, knowing that he will not listen. But, in doing that, the education rubs off on others who see his words for what they are.
The most important thing to remember while picking off bigots one at a time, is that the most vulnerable folk in our global village need to be told that we love them. So yes, let's rant, and rave, and show our reasonable righteous indignation that scum like this are allowed to shape the direction of a school or two, but let's do something even more valuable while we do.
Let's do something to remove the power of the bigots and the bullies.
If you are a parent and love your child, have you said to them this simple thing: "Some people fall for girls, some for boys. If you come home with a girlfriend or a boyfriend, we will love you just the same, and we hope we will like them. But the most important thing for us is that you are happy." 
Copy this and pass it on as far as you can. Most folk won't. Will you? 
Remove the power of the bullies by showing your child, grandchild, nephew, niece how much you love them.