Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brody's Notes... Arkansas School Board Member Calls On Gays To Commit Suicide On His Facebook Page

Clint McCance Facebook Page
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) OCT 26 | Clint McCance, a member of the Midland School District school board in rural Independence County Arkansas, located 85 miles northeast of the state capital of Little Rock, had posted the following statement on his Facebook page regarding last Thursday's Spirit Day:
"Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers committed suicide. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed therselves because of their sin. REALLY PEOPLE."
As comments expressing outrage or disgust with his position were left on that page, McCance then responded with this entry:
"... because being a fag doesnt give you the right to ruin the rest of our lives. If you get easily offended by being called a fag then dont tell anyone you are a fag. Keep that shit to yourself. I dont care how people decide to live their lives. They dont bother me if they keep it to thereselves. It pisses me off though that we make a special purple fag day for them. I like that fags cant procreate. I also enjoy the fact that they often give each other aids and die. If you arent against it, you might as well be for it.” 
McCance then added this comment as the thread progressed:
 “I would disown my kids if they were gay. They will not be welcome at my home or in my vicinity. I will absolutely run them off. Of course my kids will know better. My kids will have solid christian beliefs. See it infects everyone.”
After a graduate of Midland High School, R. Anthony Turner, (Class of 1998) brought McCance's Facebook page to the attention of Michael Cole, Director of Media Relations for the Washington D. C. based Human Rights Campaign and principal author of HRC Backstory, Cole published the story along with a pdf detailing the actual screenshots of the Facebook page discussion thread. McCance's Facebook page has since been locked down.
In the HRC Backstory article, Cole writes:
"Anyone who questions whether we need to do more to create schools that welcome every student need not look any further than Clint McCance – a Midland School Board Member from Arkansas who unleashed an anti-gay tirade on Facebook recently.  Reacting to Spirit Day that encouraged people to wear purple in honor of young LGBT lives lost to suicide and to raise awareness of the bullying behaviors that contributed to those deaths."
Cole also notes that in a statement, HRC President Joe Solmonese states:
"Clint McCance has put a face on the hate that devastates our young people. McCance and his hate shouldn’t be allowed near children, let alone managing their education.  We call for his immediate resignation from the school board.”
Attempts to contact the Midland School Board offices and Schools Superintendent Dean Stanley for comment via phone calls and e-mails were unsuccessful. An attempt was also made to contact the principal of Midland High School by e-mail of which there was no response.
A Facebook pagecalling on the School Board officials to fire McCance, was established Tuesday evening, and the story has become viral as the Advocate magazine and several prominent LGBT political blogsites have also featured the story. Angry blog readers posted McCance's home address, home phone number, and school board e-mail address along with publishing the name of his carpet cleaning business and its phone number.
The majority of reactions from the local Independence County and Midland school district residents on its website have expressed disbelief at McCance's open display of bigotry. 


Desmond Rutherford said...

McCance is typical of the religious extremist. He has been indoctrinated with hate and bigotry and will propagate it wherever he can, including in his own children.
His answer to life is to fear and hate what he has been told to regard as sinful.
His inability to accept the diversity of human love has rendered him in need of psychiatric help, for like others of his mindset, his obedience to the irrationality of his own indoctrination, has left him insane.

Such insanity is endemic in the right wing bigoted religious believers. The children of such a man are in need of assistance to realise that life can get better, is better, than the loathing their father offers them.

Tim Trent said...

If you are a parent and love your child, have you said to them this simple thing: "Some people fall for girls, some for boys. If you come home with a girlfriend or a boyfriend, we will love you just the same, and we hope we will like them. But the most important thing for us is that you are happy."

Copy this and pass it on as far as you can. Most folk won't. Will you?

Remove the power of the bullies by showing your child how much you love them

Tim Trent said...

Your article has prompted me to take a view from the outside.