Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... GETEqual Video Is Rude, Ineffective, & Offensive

By Brody Levesque (Bethesda, Maryland) OCT 26 | Maybe its because I am Canadian and we have a national passion to be polite, (or at least take a stab at it mostly) possibly its because I'm a parent who taught his sons to show respect and charity to others, or maybe because I am an adult who was raised in a household where children, minors, showed respect for persons in authority or adults when attempting to have a civil discourse even a disagreeable one or differing viewpoints.
Whatever the reason, I found, in my personal opinion, that the following video released by the LGBT activist group GETEqual would cause offence as it did in my case. As it was rude in its presentation it became ultimately ineffective.
Where I don't disagree with the message is that the truth of the realities that these children are speaking about needs to be addressed and certainly does need answers and concrete solutions from those in the American political landscape that can effect them.
But, where I part company, are these young people referring to the President of The United States by his last name in a manner that shows wanton disrespect, and disregard, for the office that he occupies.
Bullying indeed can take many forms, but a root cause, is disrespect for others.


Desmond Rutherford said...

I agree Brody, respect for the office of the president does indeed require the use of the title, unless one is intent of destroying the presidency itself.

However I get the feeling we are dealing here with people who do not understand the intricacies of legislative repeals and enactments, and as frustrating as they may be, in their snail's pace to reform what should always have been recognised as human rights, too many people are reacting with less than rational understanding of what is patently, the due process of the legislative system. Unfortunately understanding is also corrupted in the legislature itself, as well as being pervasive throughout much of the population.

This is evidenced by the clear and present danger of the threats posed against the Constitutional Amendments by religious extremists.