Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Brody's Notes... UK Religious Political Leader Calls Gay Rights Advocates "Gaystapo"

Alan Craig via Wikimedia
By Brody Levesque | LONDON, UK -- In an column originally published October 28th, edition of the Church of England Newspaper, British politician Alan Craig, compares gay rights campaigners to Nazis. The op-ed piece, entitled “Confronting the Gaystapo,” details what Craig- head of the British christian political party, Peoples Christian Alliance- sees as a series of egregious actions by the LGBTQ equality rights movement. Craig wrote:
[...] "The hidden hegemonic ambitions of the Gaystapo have been exposed recently by their plans to annex and redefine ‘marriage’. They already have achieved equal rights through civil partnerships, so to covet the word and undermine a foundation-stone of our civilisation – and nurturing place for our children – betrays other more ominous intentions. They want to change our language, manipulate our culture and thereby impose their world-view on us all. Cultural domination is their aim and fascist-type intolerance (here) of politically-incorrect dissent (here) is their weapon. The eradication of marriage as “the life-long union between a man and a woman” is a huge next step along their way."
Craig also refers to a number of recent high profile legal cases in England that have brought equality rights efforts into conflict with the values espoused by the christian factions writing:
"Having forcibly – and understandably – rectified the Versailles-type injustices and humiliations foisted on the homosexual community, the UK's victorious Gaystapo are now on a roll. Their gay-rights stormtroopers take no prisoners as they annex our wider culture, and hotel owners, registrars, magistrates, doctors, counsellors, and foster parents … find themselves crushed under the pink jackboot.
Thanks especially to the green light from a permissive New Labour government, the gay Wehrmacht is on its long march through the institutions and has already occupied the Sudetenland social uplands of the Home Office, the educational establishment, the politically-correct police. Following a plethora of equalities legislation, homosexuals are now protected and privileged by sexual orientation regulations and have achieved legal equality by way of civil partnerships. But it's only 1938 and Nazi expansionist ambitions are far from sated."
Contacted for his reaction to Craig's column being published in the church newspaper, which is read by the Anglican clergy and others, Ben Summerskill, Chief Executive of the equality rights charity Stonewall UK said;
“Given the horrific circumstances of the Holocaust, it is deeply disturbing and highly offensive that the Church of England Newspaper has chosen to compare supporters of equality with Nazis.
We are sure that many of the paper’s advertisers, such as the University of Sheffield, will be deeply disturbed to read this crass and homophobic article.”
The Church of England Newspaper describes itself as the “most quoted church newspaper in Fleet Street and in recent years,” ( A reference to the traditional home location of the British press companies.) and “the prime source for news in the Anglican world." The paper is one of the oldest in the world having been founded in 1828.
Written for a principally evangelical readership, it boasts a circulation of around 8,000 copies a week, versus another publication, the more popular Church Times, which has a circulation base of nearly 29,000.
The paper's editor, Colin Blakely, defended the "Gaystapo" op-ed in an interview with the mainstream British newspaper The Guardian, telling that paper;
"He has got views that are pertinent on this issue. I was on holiday that week and if I had seen it I would have asked him to tone the language down somewhat. We're getting a lot of correspondence on this column. He has not won a lot of support with readers and we're publishing letters. We want people to engage with the issue."
Craig also spoke to the Guardian telling it he was "pretty careful" to distinguish between the leadership of gay rights groups and "ordinary gay people."
"I've nothing against ordinary gay people but the leadership, well I stick by my word Gaystapo. It is bullying. I oppose bullying and hatred in all its forms. There is no justification for the bullying or intimidation of gays and that has been rectified in law, but we've moved on to a new game. We're now seeing these attitudes of intolerance they accuse their opponents of."


Tim Trent said...

No-one has ever heard of this nut job. Well, until now, of course. It's a fringe party of sorts

Trab said...

This idiot is totally offensive, and not just to gays. Anybody who ever had a run-in with the Gestapo or any of the WWII Nazi goons will be insulted by how Craig is making light of their trauma. To insinuate that their sufferings were no worse than accurately redefining some terminology is totally insulting to the victims of WWII.

Desmond Rutherford said...

The interesting thing to take from this article is that Craig has acknowledged "ordinary gay people".

His argument about "Gaystapo" is defeated to a large degree by his statement that he has, "nothing against ordinary gay people."

This really means that he has accepted homosexuality, something I suspect he would not have done that before our liberation.

That liberation of course came about because of the gay leadership which he now criticises.

Of course his Christianist attitude on marriage is a distortion of his religion's message of peace and love, but in that he joins the other bigots who have not yet understood Mankind's basic right to freedom of consensual sexual expression.

He does not understand that what he calls Gaystapo are in fact freedom fighters for the whole human race.