Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Brody's Journal... Michigan Senate's Democratic Caucus Releases Anti-Anti-Bullying Bill Video

LANSING, MICHIGAN -- Led by Michigan Majority Leader, Senator Gretchen Whitmer (D), Michigan's students are speaking out against the Republican efforts to create a "license to bully" that gives kids the ability to bully based on "religious or moral convictions."


Trab said...

It totally boggles my mind that people can be so hateful; and make no mistake about it, those who voted for this abominable law have not done so out of their love for people or the law. They are bullies doing their own version of bullying.

I can't help but wonder how they might react to a group of 'alternately' religious people with moral convictions against 'mainstream' beliefs doing some bullying of their own. My suspicion is that they will immediately declare that only those with 'Christian' religious beliefs can take the so-called 'moral' high ground to bully others.