Saturday, March 26, 2011

Brody's Scribbles... Gay Liberation Front: Manifesto: Just How Much Progress Have We Made Since 1971? (Epilogue)

By Tim Trent (Dartmouth, England) MAR 26 | After running a 20 part analysis on the Gay Liberation Front Manifesto, the one published in London in 1971, I though a round up article was needed. Where have we made progress? Where have we stood still or moved backwards? Where was it total and unmitigated rubbish? The best way I can see of doing this is to link to each part of the analysis, opening each in the same window or tab, and using this article as the master index.
I'm taking the articles in the order they were written, part by part:
  1. Introduction: Sets the scene. Neutral. Expresses hope for the future
  2. Family: The first element of the section How We Are Oppressed. Has a somewhat negative ring to it, yet shows progress in some nations, not in others.
  3. School: An encouraging section. Life in school has changed. Homophobic bullying still happens, but there is a huge groundswell to stamp it out.
  4. Church: Some progress, however new religions have come into the western world since 1971 and Islam is unequivocally opposed to accepting homosexuality.
  5. The Media: Substantial progress. Homosexuality is increasingly sensibly treated in the media.
  6.  Words: Negative progress. New insults come out every day.
  7.  Employment: In the USA, negligible progress. In civilised nations there are laws preventing discrimination.
  8.  The Law: The civilised world has made huge progress. The USA is struggling to catch up and is making negative progress in some areas. The uncivilised world is simply terrible.
  9.  Physical Violence: Not a lot of progress. Some has been made, but a lot has been held back by religion.
  10.  Psychiatry: Huge progress. Enormous progress.
  11.  Self Oppression: No progress! 
  12.  Why We Are Oppressed: Positive progress in Israel, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Oases of progress in the USA.
  13.  We Can Do It: Progress, yes, highly positive progress but not in the direction of the manifesto. This is an interesting analysis.
  14.  A New Lifestyle: Laughable!
  15.  The Youth Cult: No progress because we are looking at human nature.
  16.  Butch and Femme: Society has made progress, yes. However the Gay Liberation Front has had nothing much if anything at all to do with it.
  17.  Compulsive Monogamy: We have certainly made progress since 1971, and that progress is diametrically opposed to this manifesto.
  18.  Aims: Substantial progress.
  19.  Free Our Heads: Part of The Way Forward, and enormous progress, much of which is due to the initial impetus form the Gay Liberation Front.
  20.  Campaign: We have seen a huge shift in society and positive changes in human rights. 

The overall answer is the one in part 20. The last 40 years have show a huge change in society as a whole.