Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brody's Notes... OutServe Support Network Group Launches LGBTQ Magazine For U. S. Armed Forces

By Mark Singer (Washington DC) MAR 29 | The first magazine for active duty, reserve, and retired Gay and Lesbian servicemembers has been launched in the United States.
Sue Fulton, a spokesperson for OutServe, an underground network of actively serving members of the United States Armed Services who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, said that OutServe is currently available online, although publishers say the next issue will be in print.
The first edition contains features about DADT repeal implementation and OutServe chapters, as well as other information of interest to currently-serving LGBT military members.
“Our first objective with the magazine is to let all the gay, lesbian, bi, and trans members currently serving know that they are not alone,” said OutServe’s co-director, an active-duty officer who goes by the pseudonym JD Smith. “And we also want to communicate to all troops that there are capable gay military members serving honorably, and that accepting that and moving on will make our military stronger.”
“Our goal is to have our next version available in print, at some of the larger military bases,” he continued. “Visibility is key. We are not about highlighting our differences, but demonstrating how LGBT troops are proud soldiers, sailors, airmen, Coasties, and Marines just like everyone else.”
Fulton noted that the first edition of the magazine was put together with just four volunteers, however in an interview with ABCNews, Editor-In-Chief J Mills said the next issue would be larger. Mills, an active duty Air Force member who asked that his first name be kept confidential told ABCNews that he hoped that the print edition of the magazine would eventually be available on U. S. military bases worldwide.
“The magazine really is a grassroots efforts by our own people to reach out and support our own.
It just helps us get our message out and helps people to see that this is no big deal. Full implementation is right around the corner, and we think it’s a great thing to get this out sooner rather than later."