Monday, March 28, 2011

Brody's Notes... Barber: Gay Kids Commit Suicide Because They Know Its Unnatural and Immoral

From Right Wing Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber says gay kids are inclined to commit suicide because they know being gay is immoral and unnatural.


Desmond Rutherford said...

And of course his next statement will be to blame women for being raped.

It would be best if he stopped sprouting amateur psychology in public. He really has no idea what he is talking about, but then again that's endemic in fundamentalist talk show hosts whose mouths have long since been disconnected from their brain cell by viral anti-Christianity.

Let's be quite clear, he must now accept the responsibility for the harm his on air preaching causes those he has targeted with his maniacal accusations.

Trab said...

Right on true.

Trab said...

Love that comment by the Invisible Man.

Desmond Rutherford said...

He had nothing to say, and in any case it was a transparent comment, like Barber's.

Trab said...

Me thinketh he's the ultimate closet case, completely hidden from all and sundry.