Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brody's Scribbles... The Montana Taliban’s Jihad

By D. Gregory Smith (Butte, Montana) FEB 23 | Yesterday, the Montana House of Representatives voted to nullify any local anti-discrimination ordinances, forcing cities and towns to rely on state law which doesn’t protect LGBT persons from discrimination. 60 Republicans voted for the bill, all 32 House Democrats joined by seven enlightened Republicans voted against. From The Missoulian
It was the second bill that passed Tuesday to nullify a locally adopted policy in Missoula. Earlier, the House banned enactment of local initiatives such as the one Missoula County voters approved in 2006 to make marijuana crimes the lowest priority of law enforcement.
“It is ironic that the first bill of the day and the last bill of the day both intend to override the expressed will of Missoulians to govern ourselves as we see fit,” said Rep. Diane Sands, D-Missoula.
It’s time to call a spade a spade.
There is only one way to describe the faction of the Montana Republican party which is voting to legislate their own arrogant morality, usurping the clear will of persons in municipalities to govern themselves in favor of theological, idealogical and biblical precepts while blatantly ignoring science, reason and due diligence: Religious extremism.
Like The Taliban.
And there is not much they won’t do to erode the rights of other human beings- including ignoring valid democratic processes. I almost believe that they won’t be happy until the statue of the Goddess of Liberty is torn from the top of the Capitol Building and replaced with a cross….
In my opinion, term limits have simply contributed to this process, giving people no chance to cultivate relationships and actually govern. Instead, people are focused on issues and positions, not long-term goals and objectives.
Montana’s Taliban needs to be called to accountability. I refuse to believe that the will of the people is to strip other human beings of protections which were carefully put into place by those who know them best. I refuse to believe that the majority of Montanans approve of the ignorant, dirty dancing these legislators are doing in the name of God their constituents. I refuse to believe that most Montanans want LGBT persons discriminated against, maimed- perhaps dead, because of a lack of protection.
Prove me right. Please.


Trab said...

It's a surprising and certainly interesting situation when sections of the Land of the Brave and the Free are going totally in the opposite direction from Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, and other middle eastern countries. There they are fighting against oppression, here it seems to be welcomed. Open up your eyes people, the Christiban is not ON your doorstep, it has stepped into the house.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said...