Monday, December 27, 2010

Brody's Notes... Actor Jim Carrey Speaks Out Against Homophobic Bullying

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) DEC 27 | In an MTV interview conducted this past November, actor Jim Carrey spoke about the effects of bullying. Carrey is starring with British actor Ewan McGregor in the long delayed film "I Love You Phillip Morris," currently showing in theatres.
The actor told MTV:
"This is a horrible thing to be bullied, and to feel like an outcast is a terrible thing," Carrey said. "It's just so an old thing, an old antiquated way of thinking that you can't have anymore. It doesn't belong in the new paradigm.
"Every time you look at somebody and think, 'I don't like that about that person,' you just got to know that's about you," he added. "Anybody who bullies anybody for any reason is no friend of mine. Frankly, I can't imagine hitting a human being for any reason except self-preservation, if I was attacked. Your sensibilities are different when you're a school kid and there's gang mentality, but it ain't cool."
"Some of the most valuable people in my life are gay," he said. "People that bring magical, amazing gifts and contributions to my life. I would say to kids out there when they're engaging in these kinds of isolations of people, someday you're going to want those people in your life. You're going to need those people in your life, and you're not going to want that on your conscience."