Saturday, October 23, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... BNS Columnist Tim Trent: Blundell's Statements Are Repulsive

By Tim Trent (Dartmouth, England) OCT 23 | I have no interest at all in whether Justin Bieber is gay or straight or any gradation in between. Whatever he is and is not he has the right to privacy unless and until he declares his orientation. So any trash DJ's comments about Bieber are pretty irrelevant. They do amount to bullying, and they do set a bad example to others who bully LGBT folk, or try to.
But what upset me more is this line uttered by Toronto DJ Dean Blundell reacting to Bieber's fans who fired back at his criticisms in his Tweets and on-air of their idol:
"Save your energy for puberty or to fend off your dad tonight while you’re sleepin’.”
First, it's repulsive, second, how did that even get into his mind? My first reaction was that Blundell should be fired. But, really, it's good that this gives us an insight into his mind. And, since this is in the forefront it makes me think ether of Lady MacBeth, or that poor kid Blundell may have been an abused child. I'm sorry for the latter, if so.
But there are decent folk who will help him if he asks.