Thursday, March 4, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Tim Trent: "Explain to me how gay people thinks that homosexuality is ok"

Brody's Scribbles... Exactly a week ago Tim Trent ran an excellent column at his place, [ Marketing By Permission ] that I am going to reprint here. Coming on the heels of welcoming Rob to our growing fold of excellent contributing columnists & especially given the theme of his  debut Op-Ed column, Tim's article in my humble opinion compliments Rob's piece.

By Tim Trent (Devon, UK) Feb 25 | I often check my stats package to see how people arrive at the blog. This Google search query caught my eye today. I read it again: "explain to me how gay people thinks that homosexuality is ok" And I wondered whether the searcher was curious, was open minded, was a bigot. I've no way of getting back in touch with them to explain it, and I doubt very much that they'll be back. 
The thing is, heterosexual people don't give heterosexuality much, perhaps any, thought. They meet, they date, and they mate. I'm pretty sure that homosexual people don't give heterosexuality much thought either, except wondering from time to time "Why am I not heterosexual?"  
So why do heterosexual people give homosexuality so much thought? And that's part of explaining to the searcher why gay people think homosexuality is ok. You see, just as heterosexuality is ok and you don't think about it if you are heterosexual, we don't think about homosexuality. We don't go through our days wrestling with whether homosexuality is a blessing, a curse, was the result of nature, or nurture or both. We don't think we were converted to homosexuality and are somehow worse people because of it, and we really don't give the mechanics of sex much consideration.  
We're just homosexual. And we're ok. We're people with the same hopes and fears as other people. We just find other people of the same sex to be alluring and attractive, and we want and crave their company and we wish to share our bodies with them, not with people of the opposite sex. We can't help it in the same way that some folk reading this can't help being left handed.  
Then I wondered, does the searcher mean to discover why we think of acts of homosexual sex as being ok?  I grant you that homosexual sex is imperfect. Lesbians don't have the necessary genital equipment to engage in penetrative sex. If penetration is your goal then you need accessories. Two gay men have no vagina. If penetration is your goal then you need to use the anus. So homosexual sex is imperfect.  But that doesn't mean it's not ok. And penetration is by no means everyone's goal.  
Sex, in whatever form it comes, even solo, is fun. It also harms no-one who chooses to participate. To me anything that is fun and harms no-one is ok. So homosexual sex and heterosexual sex are both ok.  
Perhaps they wondered about breeding. That's where a great many homosexual men and women also wonder. Being homosexual doesn't stop one wishing for a child, for children. And that is technically rather difficult if one only has sex with a person of the same sex. Surrogacy is an imperfect solution, so is adoption. But life is not about breeding. If life were about breeding we would not have contraception. If life were about breeding all humankind's womenfolk would be perpetually pregnant.  And that tends not to happen, even in what we think of as primitive societies.  
So we do not breed. Or, if we do, we use surrogacy in one form or another. That, too, is ok.  
I wonder if that explains how gay people think homosexuality is ok?