Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Ratcheting up the Hate Speech-The Christiban Are Angry

By Brody Levesque (Bethesda, Maryland) Mar 6 | There seems to be an increase of seriously awful things being said about LGBT folks by the Ultra-Conservatives in the Christiban movement over these past few weeks. Here's a sampling:
"Capitulations to “queer” lobby only breed further intolerance of moral viewpoints" 
This from the ever popular Peter LaBarbera of the Americans For Truth blog, who also added this tidbit; "The hucksters (homosexual and straight) who push the “gay” agenda do so in the name of “diversity.” What a sham. Memo to homosexual extremists: keep demanding such bans on opposing viewpoints — and cheer loudly whenever a pro-normalcy group is silenced! The more you do, the more the American people will see your true colors — which do not match a rainbow’s but rather the oppressive black of a censor’s pen.
"Heterosexualness is in danger!"    
This from State Delegate Del. Emmett C. Burns Jr.(D) from Baltimore County, Maryland, who introduced a bill this week in Maryland's General Assembly to amend the state's constitution to prevent same-sex marriage. Burns, a black man also  said that a picture of two men kissing, from the front page of The Washington Post, was disgusting, to the anger and disgust of many same-sex couples in attendance during a hearing on legalising same-sex unions. Then he added that gay couples cannot be compared to interracial couples.
"I cannot hide my color," Burns said. "Gays and lesbians can hide their relationships."
“Legalization of Sodomy on the Battlefield and Barracks Act” 
From an article on Reverend Lou Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition website by its Executive Director Andrea Lafferty.  She also stated; 
"When I was sitting in that hearing room listening to Senator Levin and other pompous liberals blather on about the importance of gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, I felt sick to my stomach. But, I was also filled with anger that some Members of Congress would be so willing to undermine our military in order to cater to a small minority of individuals who love to engage in bizarre sex acts."

I hear this over and over again folks. Keywords-Buzzwords for the Christiban are 'choices,' behaviours,' and the ever popular 'practises.' Oh, and when they speak of love? Yeah, well they almost always are quoted as saying "Love The Sinner But Hate The Sin."
Did you ever stop and wonder sometimes about the source of their motivations for the seemingly never-ending campaign waged against their fellow human beings? I do-all the time.
What is extremely troublesome is that they honestly do not see or apparently care about the devastation that is left in their wake affecting some LGBT individuals to take their own lives. 
In fact, for example, its been rumored that singer Marie Osmond's son took his own life last week, leaping to his death from his apartment in a 15 story building in downtown Los Angeles, because of depression caused by his inner-turmoil and pressure from the Mormon Church doctrine over his sexual orientation. If that's in fact true, then another bright young life was extinguished by societal condoned forms of hate speech. By the way, the Osmond family has not spoken publicly to comment on this tragedy except to ask for privacy during this heart rendering time period.
Damage? Oh yes, lots of it. The truth is that according to studies conducted by John's Hopkins University, the National Institutes of Health, and publications detailing other similar studies by the American Psychological Association, one of the top five leading traumas that afflicts youth  today to the point of suicide is depression brought on by religious pressures and condemnation. 
When the Gay community pleads for tolerance and acceptance? Here's a fairly typical response:
"Since no one is born homosexual, these desires are demonstrably changeable, so no one is left without a positive alternative. Christ’s authentic path always gives hope. Homosexuality is not about “human rights,” but rather human wrongs — and human wrongs often have public health consequences."
Lovely eh? To erase hate, one must have an understanding and more so, a means to approach the issue. Now, given you'll never probably change the minds, narrow & bigoted as they are, of the hard-liners, its the larger group, those who honestly operate from a basis of misinformation and lack of awareness that the LGBT community should target.

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people who want to help reduce prejudice and discrimination can be open about their sexual orientation, even as they take necessary precautions to be as safe as possible. They can examine their own belief systems for the presence of anti-gay stereotypes. They can make use of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community' as well as supportive heterosexual people for support.
Heterosexual people who wish to help reduce prejudice and discrimination can examine their own response to anti-gay stereotypes and prejudice. They can make a point of coming to know lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, and they can work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals and communities to combat prejudice and discrimination. Heterosexual individuals are often in a good position to ask other heterosexual people to consider the prejudicial or discriminatory nature of their beliefs and actions. Heterosexual allies can encourage nondiscrimination policies that include sexual orientation. They can work to make coming out safe. When lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people feel free to make public their sexual orientation, heterosexuals are given an opportunity to have personal contact with openly gay people and to perceive them as individuals.

Studies of prejudice, including prejudice against gay people, consistently show that prejudice declines when members of the majority group interact with members of a minority group. In keeping with this general pattern, one of the most powerful influences on heterosexuals' acceptance of gay people is having personal contact with an openly gay person. Anti-gay attitudes are far less common among members of the population who have a close friend or family member who is lesbian or gay, especially if the gay person has directly come out to the heterosexual person.

Of course to the Christiban, I am guilty of homo-fascism, a term describing aggressively intolerant homosexual activism. Really? I guess I am advocating that a group of goose-stepping drag queens should take over the United States? If anything, I cheerfully plead guilty to advocating for equality and full rights for ALL human beings. 
The truth is that I am tired of their hate speech. I do not accept that they are preaching love and Christian values...especially when a group of the Christiban traveled to Uganda last year specifically to wage war against LGBT people that culminated in an evil piece of legislation that would have called for the death penalty for being Gay.

They claim that my being Gay is a choice, a behaviour, a "lifestyle."  Okay, well, there's a case of the proverbial pot calling the kettle black. Being a Christian would be a choice, a behaviour, a "lifestyle."  You Christibans claim that 'no-one' is born Gay. I hate to point this out folks, but to the best of my knowledge, there's not a single human being born 'Christian.'  In fact that holds true for Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, etc.  

What really bothers me is that all of the Christiban are all about the sex act itself. The last time I checked with experts and professionals, there was a helluva lot more to being, living, and existing then just screwing.


Tim Trent said...

Ah, Brody, you forget that the main duty of a Christian is to breed like rabbits without fucking like bunnies.

One may not fuck because one might enjoy it. Breeding must be with minimal pleasure, and maximum duty.