Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Brody's Notes... Stars On Ice Denies Implying Olympic Skater Weir Is Not Family Friendly

Johnny Weir
Photo Courtesy Of Fireworks Sports Management
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Mar 16 | In a written statement, Stars On Ice, which is sponsored by the Smuckers' company, is denying that any decision to not include champion figure skater Johnny Weir on the 2010 show tour was because of his perceived orientation. 
"We are disappointed that there is untrue and inaccurate information being disseminated, Please be assured that the `gender identity and sexual orientation' of cast members has never been a consideration in the selection of tour performers. While Stars on Ice wishes it could accommodate many more talented skaters as part of our cast, the fact is we cannot sign every skater," the statement read.
Fireworks Sports Management Executive Tara Modlin, the skater's agent, had approached Stars since Weir, a three-time U.S. champion, is one of figure skating's most colourful personalities, and his popularity soared after his sixth-place finish at the Winter Olympics. this past month in Vancouver, Canada.  According to Ms. Modlin, Stars told her "not this year."
In a related move, early last week, The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) started an online petition to persuade the Skating Tour to reconsider its decision to exclude Weir, who has has repeatedly avoided questions about his sexual orientation, saying;
"People shouldn't be defined by labels."