Saturday, February 6, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Tim Trent: Come On USA. Get Your Human Rights Sorted Out!

By Tim Trent (Dartmouth, UK) Feb 6 | I'm watching the Don't Ask Don't Tell stuff from a civilised country. Ok, it took us a while to get homosexuality sorted out as simply another attribute that humane beings have, and we still aren't 100% of the way there yet, but we're getting there.
The USA lags so far behind in the matter of Human Rights. I still find it hard to believe that Black Emancipation happened in my lifetime. The USA seems to have a tradition of bigotry that goes against the entire "Give me your..." inscription on The Statue of Liberty.
And then I saw the opponents to repeal have wheeled out Oliver North. Oh Oliver... Such poor judgment, (something you have a track record of) when you said:
“Now, here’s what’s next. NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) members, same-sex marriages. Are chaplains in the U.S. military going to be required to perform those kinds of rituals? Do they get government housing?”
Oliver North, you are an imbecile. I'm sure that isn't the first time you've heard it. NAMBLA has sex with children Oliver. That'd not only unlawful, its, well, horrid. And it shows how your nasty little mind works. I pity anyone who had to serve under you when I see the narrowness of your vision.
Oliver, you got famous for being an asshole, remember?  You haven't changed a bit!