Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... In Virginia The Question Of Citizenship Is Simple: LGBT or A Woman? You Are 2nd Class & Have No Rights

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Feb 23 | I am thankful that not only am I a citizen of Canada, but as I ply my craft as a journalist here in the American capital, I chose to make my residence the state of Maryland. Why you ask? Because across the Potomac river in Virginia, far right conservative politicians now rule the roost in its state government down in Richmond. Virgina's apparent political and cultural atmosphere now, boosted by its new Christiban Governor & Attorney General, have given licence to a reordered form of McCarthyism. The most recent example of which was a call by state representative, Robert Marshall, (R-Prince William County) to cut off and ban all state funding for Planned Parenthood based on suspect, antiquated, and nonsensical so called Christian doctrine and 'biblical' teachings.
I had a chance last evening sandwiched in between viewing Olympic coverage, writing, and blog reading, make that catching up on etc, to watch MSNBC's Rachel Maddow take on Bob Marshall's public pronouncements and the recent trend in Virgina. At the end of her segment I found myself saying "Amen!" Here is Rachel on Virginia's hard right turn: