Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Brody's Notes... NBC Affiliate KXAN Reports On Gay Bashing In Austin,Texas

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Feb 23 | The prominent story being covered in Austin, Texas recently has been the fatal plane crash of a disgruntled man into the building that housed the IRS field office. This weekend however, according to NBC network affiliate KXAN NBC4 Austin, there was also this report of a hate crime against two men who are members of a local Gay Softball Team apparently targeted and beaten due to their being Gay. 
Emmanuel Winston told NBC4 that after the attack; 
"It just hit me that I'd just been targeted for a hate crime, and I was attacked because I was gay. We want people to know that its not ok to do this and we're taking a stand because we don't want people to live in fear." 
NBC4 reported that the two players, wearing their jerseys during a night out downtown, were walking near Austin City Hall when they were targeted for a beating. Matt Morgan and Emmanuel Winston say they've filed a complaint with Austin Police after a group of men beat them down, yelling slurs, late Friday night. Winston's teammate, Matthew Morgan, remarked; 
"I'm not gonna go through this and nothing...no action be taken. This is a walk that I've made, that probably everyone on this field has made numerous times and felt safe."  
A spokesperson for KXAN said that NBC4 News will be following this story and has contacted Austin police for more details regarding the investigation.