Monday, November 16, 2009

Brody's Notes... The Washington Blade Shuts Down Operation Forever

Photo of Kevin Naff By The Washington Blade
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Nov 16 | The parent company of the Washington Blade, Window Media Group LLC., ceased operations this morning.
Speaking as the former editor for the Washington Blade, Kevin Naff  told LGBT POV that the staff arrived at the Blade offices in the National Press Club building to find two corporate officers waiting for them. They said the paper would be shut down immediately and Window Media was filing for Chapter 7, which is liquidation of all properties.“We all know there’ve been problems, but we didn’t expect the abrupt closure – and the Chapter 7.  Maybe Chapter 11 [reorganization of the business] – but what can you say?”
Naff said the staff is “united and all sticking together” and they will meet tomorrow to make plans for launching a new venture.  Naff said:
“We hope to re-emerge as a new entity without all the Window Media baggage.”
Naff said he and Blade publisher Lynne Brown have already been discussing launching a new venture and believe they have funding. Naff indicated that:

"We will re-emerge as a leaner, meaner operation without all the very expensive suite of offices. We’re going to shed some of that corporate trappings. And we will re-emerge as a leaner operation that will make money on day one.”
Naff said that the new venture would be both print and online and noted that the MSM Politico didn’t make money as an online news site only. 
“They did a print edition and suddenly they were in the black.”
Naff said they would love to get an edition of the new venture out next week, but acknowledged it’s a holiday week.
“We’re rather get it out sooner, rather than later. We’re not going to sit on our hands. That’s the goal.”
Naff said he was speaking with LGBT POV from his Blade office but only expected to be there for another hour or so before getting kicked out. He said they don’t know where the new venture will be located yet but said some people have offered free office space. 
"People have been very generous. We’re confident we can get through this.”