Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brody's Notes... Candy: First 'Transversal Style' Fashion Magazine Launches

By Andy Towle (New York, New York) Nov 14 | Luis Venegas, the Madrid-based editor of fashion and art publications including Fanzine 137, has launched his latest. Called Candy, Venegas describes the publication as the first "Transversal Style" magazine: "the first fashion magazine ever completely dedicated to celebrating transvestism, transexuality, cross dressing and androgyny, in all its manifestations." Candy's first cover model is Luke Worrall.
Writes Venegas: 
"Never before in history, have men and women had so many opportunities for body modification, or so many ways to change their appearance from head to toe: from the softest options like make up, to permanent transformations courtesy of the surgeons' knife. Now the 21st Century is truly underway, there's no need to justify ourselves, only the ability and need to celebrate the diversity of lifestyles and options, the freedom to choose on every level. The possibilities are as infinite as the amount of people there are in this world. CANDY is a magazine for everybody. A space for individual freedom, and a publication that pushes people to take on the persona of what they always wanted to be."
The magazine is a limited edition and 1,000 copies are available.
Check out this very cool video promo for the magazine:

CANDY 1 from Luis Venegas on Vimeo.
Andy Towle’s experience in media and entertainment spans several industries. He currently writes and edits the widely-read gay news blog Towleroad. Before Towleroad, he was Editor in Chief of Genre magazine, a nationally distributed gay men’s lifestyle publication, and Editor at Large for The Out Traveler, a national quarterly publication produced by LPI Media. Prior to that he was a Music Editor for Tribe Online USA, where he produced and edited a content-heavy website for an Australia-based media company. He worked in feature film development at Twentieth Century Fox for four years, assisting in the development of over thirty projects for their Feature Animation and Family Films divisions. He holds degrees in Art History and English from Vassar College, and was awarded a Wallace Stegner graduate fellowship at Stanford University, as well as two writing fellowships at The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Massachusetts. His writing has been published widely.