Wednesday, November 7, 2012

World News

Despite Growing Opposition, France Adopts Draft Law To Authorize Same Sex Marriage And Gay Adoption Rights

Francois Hollande
By Mark Singer | PARIS, FRANCE -- The Socialist majority French government adopted a draft law to authorize gay marriage and adoption despite fierce opposition from the Roman Catholic Church and its right wing supporters in the Senate and the National Assembly Wednesday.
President Francois Hollande, who had made the issue a key part of his campaign platform told his cabinet ministers that the legislative effort was "not only a step forward for some but for all of French society."
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, who serves as Minister of Women's Rights and Chief Government spokesperson said the proposed legislation "resolutely takes into account the greater interest of the child." 
French Minister of Family Affairs, Dominique Bertinnoti, rejected criticism that the move would "destroy" the family, arguing that; "On the contrary it is a legal protection." Also adding; "This is an important step towards the equality of rights."
President Hollande has said that he is committed to the law being in effect by mid-2013. 
Vallaud-Belkacem also noted that there were discussions to include state funding for artificial insemination for gay couples in the final version of the law.
Opposition to the measure is fierce in a nation that while is officially secular, is predominantly Catholic. There are also an array of other religious groups, Muslim, Protestant and Jewish organisations whom are in opposition to the measure.
The Cardinal of Paris, Andre Vingt-Trois, an outspoken opponent of same-sex equality rights, told parishioners during a  mass in the southern pilgrimage town of Lourdes last weekend that children needed both a father and a mother to build their identities. "When we defend the right of children to build their personality with reference to the man and the woman who gave them life, we are not defending a particular position," he said.  
Jean-Francois Cope of the conservative UMP party, has urged the government to postpone the draft bill saying it was "incredibly badly prepared,” adding, "It is not just about homosexual marriage, it is about a complete reorganization, deconstruction of the right of the family, with questions surrounding lineage, the removal of the reference to father and mother in the text.” 
Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front, has called for a popular vote on gay marriage and adoption. Hundreds of French mayors and other local politicians signed a petition opposing the President's proposed draft law.
Polls suggest that up to two-thirds of French voters back gay and lesbian's right to same-sex marriage but there is less support on allowing them to adopt children. 
Several other member states in the European Union allow same-sex marriage and adoption, but in France only married couples and not civil union partners can adopt. Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden currently allow gay adoption.