Monday, November 5, 2012

Elections 2012- Op-ed: Left or Right

By Desmond Rutherford | ADELAIDE, S.A. AUSTRALIA --  It is commonly thought that the media should be even-handed when it comes to political comment, especially during an election.
Why this expectation survives is anyone’s guess. Perhaps it is a left over from more civil times, but given the disrespect seen in recent history, I doubt it.
It is fair to point out that the conservative view of preserving all that has proven to be of value to human society should be encouraged in our cultures. Such preservation of past cultural foundations should accompany the enlightened progression of our attempt to build innovative societies that still maintain cultural riches of the past. But restricting the future with attitudes that limit human freedom is unacceptable.
Appreciation of cultural diversity still escapes many people, along with acceptance of the ethnic and genetic differences that comprise human individuals. There really is no excuse to police the bedrooms of consenting adults, whatever their sexual orientation. Not granting human equality rights is another shortcoming of limiting attitudes.
Whilst both Presidential candidates and their parties appear to promise the world, it becomes incumbent on the voters to inquire as to what kind of world is being promised. It is imperative in a democracy that after the election the people remind the legislators of election promises. It’s no use electing a representative and then abandoning them to the corruption of government and commerce. Progressive issues need to be pursed even after the politicians have been elected; corrupt ideals and laws need to be exposed.
Following this line of thought, for supporting those politicians who fight for democracy, human rights, hope and change for a better economy and social conditions, it becomes apparent that voting for the current Rightwing candidates will fall short of such an objective.
The only way to restore a measure of equilibrium to Congress is to vote for the incumbent President Obama, with demands that he listens to the people who clamour for his actions to match his rhetoric. 
The Romney/Ryan campaign has shown no ability to consider the effect of their economic measures upon the social needs and welfare of the people. Indeed, they only show misrepresentations of quality of life as ‘having a job’, completely ignoring love, justice, and equality as having any validity whatsoever.
How then, can the people support those who promise a truly better world? 
Electing and supporting President Obama is only half the action you need to take.
Should Romney be elected President, all is not lost if the Congress is dominantly Democrat.
However regardless of who is elected President, the principles of the Constitution must be upheld in the House and the Senate, and for that to happen right now, the Democrats need to be in the majority.
It would be much better if Congress has President Obama as its stabilising influence; the extremists have pulled the Republicans too far to the right to be effective, and the Romney leadership is offering nothing more than a sell-off of a rich and great nation.
It doesn’t have to be like that. Vote Democrat.