Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Around The Nation

Dallas County Texas Approves Benefits For Domestic Partners
DALLAS, TX -- The Dallas County Commissioners voted 3-2 Tuesday along partisan lines to approve medical benefits for domestic partnerships for county employees regardless of sexual orientation.  
The vote came after contentious public statements from both sides of the issue.
“There is simply no place for pernicious partisanship when it comes to equality," said Rafael McDonnell of the Resource Center Dallas.
In opposition, one local resident, Debbie Morozzo argued against the measure telling the Commissioners   
"This is utterly ridiculous and totally irresponsible position on your part. This is a waste of taxpayers’ money." 
The issue is whether Dallas County should provide a stipend of up to $295 per year for county employees' domestic partners who otherwise would not qualify for medical benefits. The three Democrats on the commission favored the move while the two Republicans were opposed.
"Are we going to fund obese people?,” asked Republican Commissioner Maurine Dickey. “Are we going to start funding smokers? Are we going to fund people who have blue Pontiacs?" 
Later during the session, things got tense after Dickey targeted a member of the audience, calling that person out for taking pictures. 
"I would just like to ask that he refrain from taking pictures of me during,” said Dickey, in the middle of the discussion. “I don't care about name calling, I'm just concerned about this person taking a picture of me." 
The person Dickey was referring to as a "he" is noted Dallas area Lesbian activist C.D. Kirven who was taking pictures of her colleague- who was speaking at the podium at the time- and not taking pictures of Dickey. 
Kirven, challenged Dickey to learn more about issues, particularly LGBTQ issues before calling people out telling local Dallas Television News Station WFAA;
"I'm not offended by Dickey calling me a ‘he’,” said Kirven. “I would offer that Ms. Dickey go to the resource center and try to get some training on pronouns and ask someone before they call them a ‘he.’" 
Dallas County officials say offering domestic partners as an insurance stipend will cost the county no more than one hundred thousand per year. 
In regards to the photo controversy, Commissioner Dickey refused to comment nor did she offer an apology to Ms. Kirven.

Rhode Island
Openly Gay Congressman Linked To Child Molester In GOP Political Attack Ad
Rep. David Cicilline, (D) R.I.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- In a television advert sponsored by the National Republican Congressional Committee, freshman Rhode Island Democratic Representative David Cicilline is being linked to a convicted paedophile and a murderer he defended as a defence lawyer twenty years ago.
Cicilline, who served as the Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island from 2003 to 2011, and was the first openly gay mayor of a U.S. state capital, is running for re-election in the newly redrawn 1st district.
In the ad which began runs this week, the narrator says;
"What do a child molester, a murderer and a violent attacker all have in common? Defence attorney David Cicilline."
The ad is designed to boost the chances of Republican challenger Brendan Doherty, the former head of the Rhode Island state police, following a similar attack advert that Doherty's campaign launched last week that shows a photo of Cicilline on-screen alongside the words "rapists, pedophiles and murderers."
The NRCC ad is "one of the harshest ads I've ever seen in Rhode Island politics," said former Democratic congressman Bob Weygand.
He said defense attorneys don't necessarily like their clients, but their job is to defend them, and that shouldn't reflect on them personally.
The Associated Press reported that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee called the ad "the worst kind of gutter politics," while Cicilline Campaign Manager Eric Hyers said voters deserve a debate on the issues.
The Cicilline campaign put out an ad Wednesday focusing on the Republican ads and saying Doherty "doesn't want to talk about his agenda."
When asked about the fairness of an ad attacking an attorney for defending those charged with crimes, NRCC spokesman Nat Sillin criticized Cicilline for choosing to "fight for violent criminals" over victims.
"David Cicilline chose to represent convicted child molesters and murders. He chose to make a career out of doing that," Sillin said.


Trab said...

Just how low can you sink? Attacking someone for doing their job responsibly...for shame. Until the person was convicted they were theoretically and practically innocent. I guess that's what the Republicans want though, convict by innuendo, then refuse to allow anyone to defend the 'guilty' persons to ensure a conviction in the court of law. Sickening.