By Brody Levesque | TUPELO, MS -- On his national "Focal Point" radio programme Wednesday, American Family Association's Bryan Fischer defended his stance on setting up an 'Underground Railroad' to assist in removing children from homosexual relationships. Although Fischer stated that he wasn't advocating kidnapping of children from same-sex households, he inferred that in cases involving a custody dispute, to protect the children if one partner was to "leave" the homosexual lifestyle or in cases not specified then it was imperative to get those children beyond the reach of the homosexual parent.
Fischer, who serves as Director of Issues Analysis for the American Family Association -- defended his stance on his "Focal Point" radio show, arguing that "we must obey God’s law, not man’s law."
"He is quite literally comparing his desire to take children from homes with same-sex parents to the heroic events that led to the freeing of slaves," wrote Jeremy Hooper, a New York city based LGBTQ equality rights activist who publishes the blogsite Good As You.
"He is suggesting that ripping kids out of LGBT-headed housesholds is the noble cause of our day."
"Which one of Bryan's tragic suggestions must some impressionable listener put into action before someone with a platform of influence steps in and tones it down? Who will take a break from playing the victim and actually deal with the brute stones that are coming from the American Family Association's headquarters?
I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to find out."
WATCH: { Video via AFA's YouTube Channel)
Bryan Fischer, in his commitment to his god, fails to realise that Jesus Christ cannot be President of the United States as he was not born in America and what's more cannot produce a valid birth certificate.
Fischer's god cannot enforce its laws over the people of the U.S. any more than any one else's god can, without conflicting with the establishment of religion clause in the constitution.
The whole point of freedom of religion is that individuals don't have to follow anybody's belief but their own, if they have one, and they cannot be compelled to do that, either.
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