The CDC Partners With Emory University’s For Largest Survey Of Men's Sexual Behaviours and Health

The survey is aimed at understanding men's sexual behaviors and health and finding ways to deal with STD and HIV transmission among men who have sex with men.
Dr. Patrick Sullivan, an Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health, and the Co-Director of the Prevention Sciences Core at Emory’s Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) teamed up with former CDC Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention specialist Dr. Travis Sanchez. Operating together with the Centers for Disease Control's Behavioral and Clinical Surveillance Branch, the team announced that the resulting data will help the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state and local health departments better understand patterns of behavior- both sexual and health promoting- among men in the communities and to ensure that prevention resources have the greatest impact.
The website for the survey, [Here] notes:
You have likely taken an online survey before. Maybe it was even related to you sexual health. This survey is different. Aside from being among the largest ever conducted on guys like us in the United States, it's also one of the first surveys to provide immediate feedback based on your answers. We understand your time and information is valuable, so we want to give you some information back.
Also according to the website, Sex in the Question will also make a monetary donation to the It Gets Better Project for every survey completed.
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