Friday, February 17, 2012

In Brief

Staff Reports
New Jersey's Governor Vetoes Same-Sex Marriage Bill As Anticipated
New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie 
TRENTON, New Jersey -- New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie Friday afternoon conditionally vetoed the bill six hours after it reached his desk. Christie had publicly promised swift action with a veto on the bill and has said that he feels that the issue should be settled in a state-wide ballot referendum by the voters.
"I have been just as adamant that same-sex couples in a civil union deserve the very same rights and benefits enjoyed by married couples — as well as the strict enforcement of those rights and benefits,’’ Christie said in a prepared statement.
"Discrimination should not be tolerated and any complaint alleging a violation of a citizen’s right should be investigated and, if appropriate, remedied."
The Governor also suggested that an ombudsman be appointed to address complaints that New Jersey's same-sex civil union law be strengthened.
The New Jersey Star-Ledger reported:
"Thousands and thousands of New Jersey families are denied financial security, health security and fundamental equal rights every day because of a failed civil union experiment,’’ said Assembly Majority Leader Louis Greenwald (D-Bergen). "And yet in spite of their second-class citizenship, the governor singlehandedly — through the stroke of his pen — seeks to codify discrimination against them.’’
Christie continued push his suggestion of the gay marriage issue to a referendum in November to allow New Jersey voters to decide. Republicans fell in line with his recommendation; not a single Republican present on Thursday voted for the gay marriage bill.
Two years after voting the bill down, the Senate on Monday passed the measure 24-16, with two Republicans crossing the aisle.
The veto ends legislative action for now. Gay rights activists say they will now work to secure enough votes for an override by the noon Jan. 14, 2014, deadline — the end of this legislative session. They’ll need nearly a dozen more votes in the Assembly and a handful in the Senate.
Democrats say they’re hopeful they’ll reach their goal in 1½ years because they won the Senate over and they convinced nearly a dozen Assembly members in recent weeks to get their victory on Thursday.
The same-sex marriage activist and advocacy group, Freedom to Marry, in reaction to the Governor's veto said via a press release:
By vetoing the bill that would ensure that all loving, committed New Jersey couples and their families can share in the freedom to marry, with all its protections and meaning, Governor Christie planted his feet firmly on the wrong side of history. Fortunately, his ‘no’ will not be America’s – or New Jersey’s – last word. It is simply an obstacle we overcome as we continue on the road to liberty and justice for all. Freedom to Marry will work steadily over the next months – and throughout the entire remainder of the legislative session, as necessary – supporting local families, leaders, and advocates as they make the case to their lawmakers and win the extra handful of votes needed to override the veto and do right by all families.
Maryland Governor's Bill To Legalise Same-Sex Marriage Passes House of Delegates
ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND -- Maryland lawmakers Friday evening approved Governor Martin O’Malley's Civil Marriage Protection Act in a 72-67 vote, which will legalise same-sex marriage in the Free State,sending the measure to the Senate, where its approval is expected. The Senate passed a similar measure last year's legislative session.
Delegate Tiffany Alston, (D-Prince George’s County), who helped kill the measure last year by walking out of a critical committee voting session offered an amendment, which was accepted in a compromise deal, that stays a same-sex marriage law until any court challenges to the validity of signatures was resolved.
Political analysts are calling this vote a major win for the Governor, who threw the weight of his office behind the measure, appearing before committee hearings and working the halls of the House of Delegates office building at all hours to convince wavering delegates. Passage of this bill puts Maryland on the verge of being the eighth state to legalise same-sex.