Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Brody's Notes... Washington State Senate Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill

By Brody Levesque | OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON -- The Washington State Senate meeting in a two hour session Wednesday evening passed ESSB 6239- legislation legalising same-sex marriage in Washington State. The bill passed by a bipartisan vote of 28 Ayes to 21 Nays, with 23 Democrats and four Republicans joining together ensuring passage of the measure.
Lacey All, Chairperson of Washington United for Marriage released the following statement within minutes of the Senate adjournment for the evening; 
"We thank Majority Leader Brown, Sen. Murray and the bipartisan coalition of senators who stood with us today in the name of equality. The overwhelming support we’re seeing from businesses, labor, faith communities and people all across the state is a testament to the momentum of this movement and sensibilities of Washingtonians. Volunteers from every part of the state have contributed thousands of hours of their time to make today possible, and we thank them for their commitment to this issue.”
Senate Republicans introduced a series of amendments, which passed, that would ensure protections for religious bodies, churches, and institutions including affiliated child adoption and fostering agencies that would protect those institutions from charges of bias and bigotry or discrimination based on religious beliefs that would compel those organisations from refusing to sanctify, solemnise, or otherwise embrace same sex marriage.
An amendment to put the legislation on the November ballot was defeated with Spokane Democratic Senator Lisa Brown reminding her colleagues that the purpose of representational democracy was to prevent minorities civil liberties being infringed and voted on by the majority.
A motion was then made after the roll tally vote was announcing passage to cheering Senators in the chamber to immediately advance the bill to the state's house for its approval, which may occur as early as next week. 
Once the house has passed the legislation, Gov. Chris Gregoire would have five business days to sign it into law, which she has indicated she will do.
Opponents wishing to challenge the new law would have until June to collect 120,557 valid signatures – the amount required to place a referendum on the November 2012 ballot.