Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Brody's Notes... Virginia Senate Passes Gay Discrimination Measure

By Brody Levesque | RICHMOND, VIRGINIA -- The legislation allowing private agencies to deny placements that conflict with their religious or moral beliefs, but specifically targeting same-sex couples in Virginia, passed in a 22-18 vote of the state's Senate Tuesday. The lower House had already passed the measure which now only requires Virginia's governor, Republican Bob McDonnell's signature to take effect July 1.
Supporters of the measure claim that the bill will protect the rights of religious agencies, including those who have state contracts. Critics charge that this so-called "conscience clause" legislation could be used to discriminate against non-christian couples or even non-believers and that the state of Virginia should not sanction discrimination.
Currently North Dakota is the only other state with such a law.


Desmond Rutherford said...

I find it interesting that Governor Christie is so certain of the guidance of his Catholic faith, whilst obviously not knowing the definition of bigoted.

Trab said...

I find it interesting that 'blind faith' is his guiding principle, and not even blind faith in the Bible, but blind faith in the Papacy.

Trab said...

Talking about blind; both Des and I managed to pin our comments to the wrong article; but forgive us our sins, as the Virginia article contains so much wrong that it distracted us both.