Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In Brief

Staff Reports

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND -- | A 14-year-old girl celebrated her birthday with the Maryland’s Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee this afternoon and told lawmakers that it “would be the best birthday present ever if you would vote no on gay marriage.” “I really feel bad for the kids who have two parents of the same gender,” she said, “they have no idea what kind of wonderful experiences they miss out on.” “People have the choice to be gay, but I don’t want to be affected by their choice. People say they were just born that way, but I’ve met really nice adults who did change.”
{ From Think Progress }

Virginia State Senate Panel Rejects Bill To Protect Gays From Hiring Discrimination
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA -- The Virginia state Senate General Laws and Technology Committee Monday rejected a bill to add sexual orientation to list of classes protected from discrimination in state hiring. In a 8-7 vote, the committee rejected Alexandria Democratic Senator Adam Ebbin’s bill, SB263, which had garnered the support of Virginia's labor unions, teacher and public-employee associations, and the AARP, the national senior citizen's lobby group.
Members of the anti-gay groups, the Family Foundation and the Virginia Association of Independent Baptists testified that the bill was unneeded because there is no proof that gays are discriminated against.
A similar piece of legislation was passed by the state's Senate last year- then led by a Democratic majority, only to be defeated in the Republican-led House of Delegates. Republicans won effective control of the Senate in this past November's elections.

Santa Fe City Council Votes To Oppose Constitutional Amendment Banning Same-sex Marriages
SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO -- At its meeting last Wednesday, January 26th, the Santa Fe City Council approved a resolution sponsored by Councilwoman Patti Bushee opposing a constitutional amendment introduced by Republican State Representative David Chavez- HJR 22 which he introduced last week- that would deny marriage to same-sex families and prevent New Mexico from honoring same-sex marriages and civil unions performed elsewhere. In a departure from conducting normal city business, the council outlined its position in an emergency resolution.
“The Santa Fe City Council stood with New Mexico families last night, and sent a clear message to legislators: that in New Mexico we celebrate diversity, we respect our neighbors, and we value our families. All of our families”, said Jacob Candelaria, President/CEO of Equality New Mexico.
“With thousands of New Mexicans still struggling to get by in a rough economy, now is not the time to score political points by inciting discrimination against thousands of New Mexico families,” continued Candelaria.
“My sincere hope is that all legislators, including Rep. David Chavez, will spend their time focusing on what matters most to New Mexicans: education, jobs, and the economy”, concluded Candelaria.
If approved by the legislature as well as voters in the upcoming November ballot, the amendment would bar the state from recognizing gay and lesbian couples with marriage, civil unions and possibly domestic partnerships. In previous years, New Mexico lawmakers have turned down bills to recognize same-sex couple's domestic partnerships.