Friday, January 20, 2012

Brody's Notes... New Jersey Lawmakers Say Veto-proof Marriage Equality Coalitions Possible

Staff Reports
TRENTON, NEW JERSEY -- Marriage equality legislation in New Jersey may survive a veto by Republican Governor Chris Christie. From yesterday’s Wall Street Journal:
New Jersey Democrats believe they are within spitting distance of securing enough support to override a veto of same-sex marriage legislation if Gov. Chris Christie chooses not support it.
State Sen. Raymond Lesniak, one of the bill’s sponsors, estimated the chamber had between 24 and 27 supporters for legislation to allow for same-sex marriage in New Jersey. It takes 27 votes in the 40-member state senate to override a governor’s veto.
“I’m wishing and hoping,” said Lesniak, who also acknowledged that some potential supporters still needed “shoring up.”
Lesniak, a Democrat representing Union County, counted up to 23 Democrats and four Republicans as supporting a gay marriage, but wouldn’t disclose specific names of those he believes would vote to override a veto.
Assembly Speaker Shelia Oliver, a Democrat, has said that she has majority support for same-sex marriage legislation, and that she would work to garner the 54 votes necessary for a veto override in the 80-member Assembly.