Monday, November 14, 2011

Brody's Notes...

By Matt Baume | WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA -- A victory for DOMA repeal in the Senate Judiciary Committee, but now it faces even greater hurdles in the full Senate. An election night victory in Iowa means marriage is safe, for now; but polling in Minnesota shows cause for alarm. Activists raise the stakes in Washington, Maryland, Oregon, and Maine. And a marriage equality betrayal by the Australian Prime Minister forces a showdown with her own party.


Trab said...

Maybe the $31,000 should be paid back out of Gillard's own pockets.

Desmond Rutherford said...

The queen, sorry I mean the Prime Minister is clearly out of touch with the majority of the Australian people on the same sex marriage issue.

I cannot help but wonder if Ms Gillard was made leader of the Labor Party is she promised to tow the line of the party's religious right wing faction power brokers. Some atheist she has turned out to be.

Thankfully, The Greens endorse same sex equality and Ms Gillard's stance will encourage support for them at the ballot box.

Trab said...

Well, it is hard to see how one can be a religious bigot as an atheist, so political financial wrangling has to be at the root of her position.