Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brody's Notes... Log Cabin Chapter Head Blasts Gay Blogger Over Remarks About Reality Star

Robert Turner
By Brody Levesque | WASHINGTON -- The head of the DC Chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans, Robert Turner, issued a statement Tuesday criticising freelance journalist and gay blogger Joe Jervis, who has publicly questioned claims by Taylor Garrett, an GOP party activist and a cast member of the reality TV show “A-List Dallas” on the Logo network, that he was brutally assaulted in a 'hate motivated crime' last week.
In an interview with The Daily Caller November 11th, Garrett said that he was attacked outside a birthday party in Dallas after finding a vandal scratching “F–k Coulter” on the side of his car.
This marks the second time in six weeks Garrett has reported being targeted for his association with conservative commentator Ann Coulter and for being a gay Republican. Last month, Garrett alleged that a rock with a threatening note attached was thrown at the window of his Dallas Design District apartment. Some gay bloggers have alleged that Garrett falsified the report about the rock as a publicity stunt in advance of the premiere of The A-List Dallas.
Preeminent among the bloggers criticising Garrett was the New York based Jervis, who publishes the daily LGBTQ news, politics, and arts blog Joe.My.God. Jervis has cast doubts on some of Garrett's claims along with his credibility which today prompted a response from Robert Turner, executive director of the D.C. Chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans.
In a phone call Tuesday evening, Turner told LGBTQNation that he's tired of double standards being applied simply because of party affiliations or status such as Garret's being a reality star versus an average person who reports a hate motivated crime. Turner also said that if it was proven that Garrett had in fact filed a false police report, then he should be fully prosecuted.
When asked by LGBTQNation why he went after Jervis, he simply indicated that he felt that there was a double standard being applied and Turner noted that he was not specifically looking to wage an exchange of ad hominem attacks with the blogger, but he noted that Jerivis' popularity and influence were factors in his decision to fire off his press release.
In the press release today, Turner states:
The DC Chapter of Log Cabin Republicans condemns the assault of Dallas Republican and reality star Taylor Garrett, as been reported by multiple media outlets.
“Violence against any innocent person is abhorrent,” said President Robert Turner II. “It’s doubly sickening when bloggers such as Joe Jervis of Joe.My.God suggest, before any investigation is completed, suggest that Garrett is faking the hate crime simply because he is a Republican. Should Mr. Garrett be guilty of filing a false statement or any other crime, he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But we have as yet no evidence suggesting that he vandalized his own car and attacked himself for pure media attention.
“The question of who is guilty, an as-yet uncaught assailant or Mr. Garrett, is still open. But Mr. Jervis is unquestionably guilty of bad faith. This type of double standard needs to end!”
Jervis responded to Turner's press release Tuesday evening on his blog writing:
A couple of things will be obvious to JMG regulars: 1) I don't suspect Garrett because he's a Republican. I suspect him because he's a self-aggrandizing reality show douchebag with a history of highly questionable claims. 2) I'm supposed to have good faith in homocons? SRSLY? Oh, my sides. Stop. No, really. STOP.


Desmond Rutherford said...

I suppose the Log Cabinettes want atheists to believe in God until it is proven there's no such being. Blind faith is worse than bad faith, and raising questions of suspicion is a perfectly valid investigative procedure.