Sean Savett is an intern for at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. He is a rising senior at the University of Rochester, where he is a political science major with minors in international relations and history. He grew up in Merion, PA just outside of Philadelphia and is a diehard Philadelphia sports fan. Previously, he has interned in Sen. Schumer’s (D-NY) office, in the Philadelphia Mayor’s Internship Program, and for several political campaigns.
Sean Savett |
“Why was this [death of Kletzky] allowed to happen? Let’s think about it. If we go back to the cause, the effect was he was the victim, but the cause was a Jew [Yiddish] that the evil will come to destroy you within your midst. [...] For too long we have been turning our cheek, we have been turning away and ignoring the agenda of the descendants of Amalek [evil] — first they [Gay's] wanted rights, then they wanted adoption, they wanted special protections, and ultimately they wanted marriage — and we all know that we did precious little. If those three or fourth thousand people [who searched for the boy when we went missing], at the direction of the greater Israel and their leaders and their common sense, would have come out, maybe, against the marriage, against this final nail in the coffin of morality…maybe we wouldn’t have had to had this episode of Amalek [evil] replay itself. This is a time for introspection…This came in the very aftermath of the marriage bill, my dear friends, and not doing anything.”
Watch it (around 7:00):
NOM has long associated itself with questionable characters, relying on bigotry and hateful, intolerant rhetoric to oppose the advancement of LGBT rights.
So much human intellect wasted on religion.
Babbling boggles the mind.
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