Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Brody's Notes... President Obama Says That DOMA Should Be Repealed

Photo By Brody Levesque
By Brody Levesque | WASHINGTON D. C. -- During the regular press briefing today, presidential spokesman and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, told reporters that the president is throwing his support behind a bill that would repeal the federal government's ban on same-sex marriage.
"The president has "long called for a legislative appeal for the so-called Defense of Marriage Act which continues to have a real impact on families," Carney said.
The president is “proud to support” the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act," he added.
A Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled for Wednesday on a bill that would repeal the DOMA legislation. The leading co-sponsor of the repeal measure known as The Respect For Marriage Act, California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, said in a speech about her proposed bill Tuesday at the National Press Club;
"I think eyes have opened. More and more people across this land know people who are gay, who want to have a lasting relationship, who look at marriage as an economic agreement as well as an emotional agreement."
The bill currently has 27 co-sponsors, however not a single Republican lawmaker has agreed to sign on. In an interview after the speech, the Senator acknowledged that given the fact that the GOP is in control of the House, she understands the political realities of repealing the bill anytime soon are slim to nil.
"If we don't succeed this session, we will try again next session," Senator Feinstein said. "Believe me, we will continue this effort until the battle is won."
The Obama administration announced last February that it believes the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional and the president had ordered the Justice Department to cease defence of DOMA in all ongoing federal court cases.
Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese, who will himself be testifying tomorrow in favor of the bill, released the following statement:
“We thank the President for his support of the Respect for Marriage Act. He has repeatedly expressed his desire to see the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act repealed and his Justice Department has taken the historic step of ending its defense of that odious law in court. By supporting this legislation, the President continues to demonstrate his commitment to ending federal discrimination against tens of thousands of lawfully married same-sex couples.”