By Brody Levesque | LIVINGSTON COUNTY, NEW YORK -- A so-called christian family values group has filed a legal challenge (pdf) seeking to overturn New York's same-sex marriage law less than twenty four hours after it took effect yesterday.
The group- New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, led by Reverend Jason J. McGuire, claimed in the court documents filed this morning in McGuire's home county of Livingston, New York, that the state's Senate, in adopting the legislation, had violated the state’s Open Meetings Law by closing off capitol hallways and lobby leading to that body's chamber; and by holding closed door meetings with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and others who supported the legislation.
The suit also claims that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, (D) in collusion with Senate ignored the state's constitutionally mandated three-day waiting period before a bill can be acted upon. The suit also alleges that state lawmakers approved the legislation in exchange for campaign contributions from Mayor Bloomberg and other high profile Republican backed "Wall Street financiers."
In a statement released to media representatives McGuire said:
"It is unfortunate that state senators chose to protect their personal interests, rather than the people they were elected to represent. Some of the players may have changed, but it looks like same old Albany game. It is time the curtain be pulled back and the disinfecting light of good government shine upon the Cuomo Administration and our State Legislature."
The office of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman declined immediate comment as did the Senate's spokesman, Scott Reif.
The spokesman for Governor Cuomo, Josh Vlasto, ridiculed the lawsuit calling it baseless:
"The plaintiffs lack a basic understanding of the laws of the state of New York. The suit is without merit.”
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