Saturday, June 25, 2011

"It's A Big, Big Deal. The Country Is Ready To Acknowledge The Right Of Gay Couples To Marry."

Crowd outside the historic Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street
NYC, June 24th, 2011
[Photo via Joe Jervis]
WASHINGTON D. C. -- "It's a big, big deal. The country is ready to acknowledge the right of gay couples to marry. For young people, it's a no-brainer. For those of us who are older, a lifetime of experience has taught us that gay Americans are our friends, our neighbors, our relatives, and maybe our children. But change has been thwarted by the structure of our politics, which give disproportionate strength to tiny slivers of voters.
We needed some stalwart lawmakers to break the jam. Who would have imagined we'd find them in Albany?"
I watched the session from start to finish last evening, taking the time to cook supper, make phone calls, and when it came down to the vote, my good friend & fellow Canadian Warren Austin, who was on the speaker phone with me, & I listened as history was made.
As my colleague Dan Collins pointed out, it is a really, really, big deal.
I rejoice for New Yorkers and I rejoice for my fellow LGBTQ folk who now have seen equality moved a couple of centuries past the bronze-age mentality and propaganda of the Yank far-right Christonazis, and as a Gay man, I rejoice for me to have the very essence of my self and humanity validated by the legislative body of the State of New York.
I now have another option, if I so chose, to have my love for my partner registered officially and sanctioned by law. I just hope that the Congress of the United States and the Supreme Court of the United States is paying attention.
To those brave legislators in Albany, I say well done and "brilliant."
Brody Levesque
Correspondent & Editor
BL Freelance News Service LLC
Washington D. C.
Complete coverage of New York's historic same-sex marriage vote from LGBTQNation:
Photo By @ComfortablySmug (Twitter) 

History in NY state – Almost 42 years after Stonewall, marriage equality passes

June 24 — Today, June 24, 2011, New York state gay and lesbian committed couples cross a great milestone to being equal citizens by being allowed to enjoy the rights of marriage. Read more »

Christine Quinn: ‘This is a monumental occasion for myself, my family, and the LGBT community’

June 24 — This is a monumental occasion for myself, my family, and the LGBT community. Today true equality is closer than ever. Read more »

New York becomes sixth, most populous U.S. state to legalize marriage equality

June 24 — New York State on Friday night, June 24, became the sixth and most populous state to legalize marriage for same-sex couples. Read more »

Stonewall celebrates passage of marriage equality in New York (Video)

June 25 — Thousands gathered in the street and inside Stonewall on Friday night, the site of the birth of the day rights movement, to celebrate the passage of marriage equality in New York. Read more 

The Final NY Senate Vote Roll Call:


Trab said...

All I can do is congratulate all involved, except maybe those nay-sayers who voted against this; to them I say, "you will see that the world will not end, and that your fears always have been totally unfounded."