By Brody Levesque | WASHINGTON DC -- The number one story that my peers and I in the media have been covering this past weekend has been the tremendous impact that the political maneuvering and legislation, culminating with the law that legalises same-sex marriage in New York state, will have on equality for LGBTQ citizens across the United States.
Troublesome though, has been the outrage from so-called Christians and their politically aligned allied organisations and allies that not only decry the courage of the lawmakers in New York, but so completely demonise LGBT persons so as to make mockery of the word 'humanity.'
Watch or Read the following please:
Reverend Pat Robertson: God Will Destroy America Because of Gay Marriage:
Ruben Diaz - Hate Crimes Victim:
"For taking a principled, religiously-rooted stand for the institution that undergirds all of human civilization, Diaz has become the latest in a long, sad string of victims of the true hatemongers in America, homosexuals activists. [sic] Their hate crime against him is motivated by prejudice against his religion, which teaches that God designed marriage exclusively as the union of one man and one woman. Chuck Colson is another whose eyes are wide open to the steaming hate billowing from the denizens of the homosexual lobby. 'The gay-rights groups have shown their fangs. They want to silence, yes, destroy those who don't agree with their agenda.' Homosexuals are rapidly cementing their position as the number one perpetrators of hate crimes in American today. Sen. Diaz is simply the latest prey of the hatemongering hunters on the left, who live in mortal fear that someone, somewhere, actually believes what God says about marriage and human sexuality. And the list will grow longer before it grows shorter." - American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer, writing for Right Side News.
Linda Harvey On New York Marriage:
"This 'freedom' will include much more than a perpetual pansexual pagan party. It will, and already does, include libel, slander, intimidation, corruption of youth, revolt in congregations, suppression of parental rights, revision of language, disease, loss of employment and loss of life. Oh, and did I mention public sex, the porn explosion and public nudity? Welcome to entitlement sex. The New York crowd was on board with this concept, too, erupting into applause for Obama at all the appropriate moments. And why not? They live in a city that has already earned its Good Sodomizing Seal of Approval. More than 36,000 men who have sex with men in New York City are currently living with HIV/AIDS. This bleak prognosis casts a shadow on these 'marriages,' but no one wants to think about that." - Linda Harvey, Mission American Director, writing for World Net Daily.
The Problem with Gay Marriage:
There absolutely does not seem to be any call for reasonable discussion from the far-right on issues of equality pertaining to LGBTQ Americans. There also has been a lack of a measured voice coming from the administration as President Obama has proven himself to be ineffectual on this issue, with little display of true leadership, by directly countering the message that somehow LGBTQ Americans are evil, sin filled, sexually depraved and obsessed beings who are incapable of being human.
While he may direct his Justice Department to cease defending DOMA, while he may have pushed hard for ending DADT, while he says that he supports the rights of states to legislate marriage in such a manner as to benefit all of their citizens including the LGBTQ community, what is truly missing is his standing up and saying that the unceasing messages of divisiveness are truly enough.
There is absolutely nothing to be gained from these tirades Mister President. The Constitution was written guaranteeing that Americans will have the religious freedoms to worship as they please without fear of retribution, government interference or regulation or suppression.
This is very simple sir, the time has come that you must use the bully pulpit that is your office and tell persons like those I have illustrated above, that their messages are not only far removed from Christianity, but indeed reflect very un-America values that frankly mirror the repressive theocratic regimes in Iran or Saudi Arabia, which ironically, many of these same persons or groups also demonise in terms of citizens who have fled those regimes and now live in the United States.
Mister President? It's time to "grow a pair" politically on this topic. When are enough messages of divisiveness, enough?
This is very simple sir, the time has come that you must use the bully pulpit that is your office and tell persons like those I have illustrated above, that their messages are not only far removed from Christianity, but indeed reflect very un-America values that frankly mirror the repressive theocratic regimes in Iran or Saudi Arabia, which ironically, many of these same persons or groups also demonise in terms of citizens who have fled those regimes and now live in the United States.
Mister President? It's time to "grow a pair" politically on this topic. When are enough messages of divisiveness, enough?
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