Sunday, May 1, 2011

Des Downunder On Sundays

By Des Rutherford, Adelaide, Australia- Telemarketing Marriage Equality
Sometimes I just have to work on the computer, all through the night, and don't get to sleep until morning. This is fine, except for when I must attend an appointment with some bureaucrat at 10am. By the time I get home it is mid afternoon and I collapse on the bed, happy to at last sleep, perchance to dream about the usual prospects in a fantasy of lusting perfection. So what could go wrong? Barely forty minutes of slumber and the telephone ringeth.
I look at the clock, 4.14 pm. I lean across the sheets, and answer the disturbance of my peace.
Me: "Yo!"
I have found this opening in answering the phone discourages telemarketers, causing them to disconnect their call.
Oh No...I guess my ”Yo,” didn't work this time.
Just as I am about to hang-up a voice says: How are you doing?
Me: How am I doing, what?
Voice: pardon?
Me: You asked me how I am doing, but you didn't say what it was you wanted to know I was doing.
Voice: Doing?
Me: You must say what the doing is. I can't guess. To do or not to do is only the question, the deed is in the doing, but I must know what it is that is being done. Do you want to know how well I do the gardening?
Or do you want to know how well I do the dishes?
Or how well I am doing in bed. I can tell you, I don't get too many complaints, but then again I don't get much chance to be doing anything in bed these days including sleep.
I don't do the garden, by the way.
Voice: er, I being polite.
Me: Hello Polite, I being Des.
Polite: No, no I am Shiram, being polite.
Me: How nice. I am Des being annoyed.
Polite, now being Shiram: I knowing English.
Me: Who told you that?
Shiram: I did learning at school. I speak English. How are you doing?
Me: How am I doing, what?
Shiram: I don't understand.
Me: Admitting you don't understand is the first step to wisdom.
Shiram: This is not going right.
Me: No, I don't suppose it is.
Shiram: I am having speech to say.
Me: I hope it is not the King's speech, you might want to get help before you try the royal speeches.
Shiram: Royal speeches?
Me: Oh no, you aren't going to try to sell me the Royal wedding DVDs are you?
Shiram: Excuse please, I must be making more speech.
Me: Why, is someone else getting married?
Shiram: I am not married.
Me: you're not? Then who is getting married?
Shiram: Why, is anyone marrying?
Me: That's what I say too, why indeed. See I told you, you would get wisdom, all from just admitting you don't understand.
Shiram; Don't understand what?
Me: That I don't like being awakened from a deep sleep by phone calls.
Shiram: Are you sleeping?
Me: Not at the moment.
Shiram: I am confused.
Me: I am tired.
Shiram: I am tiring too.
Me: We should go to bed, we can marry later.
Okay so we never got past the "Yo" but I can fantasize a little, can't I?