Friday, February 4, 2011

Brody's Notes... Gay Equality Rights Activist Sean Chapin Counters NOM Rhode Island Attack Ad Against Same-Sex Marriage

By Mark Singer (Washington DC) FEB 4 | LGBTQ Equality Rights activist Sean Chapin responded today to the National Organization for Marriage- Rhode Island's latest attack ad advocating for a ballot initiative to prohibit gay couples from being able to legally marry each other.
In the original ad, an unseen couple discusses the lack of attention being paid to legislative priorities dealing with economic issues and high unemployment instead attacking the governor for taking a perceived wrongful position on same-sex marriage in Rhode Island.
One person noted about the NOM advert; "Karl Rove couldn't have done better himself. They make gay marriage look like an impediment to financial reform and economic prosperity. They also avoid being too vicious or too political, making it seem like a rather pleasant and heartfelt conversation that has absolutely nothing to do with equal rights or gay people."  Another observed that NOM left off the last digit off of the telephone number displayed to contact Governor Chafee in the advert.
From Sean Chapin: