Monday, November 1, 2010

Brody's Notes... Louisiana House Republican Rep. Draws The Ire Of The Family Research Council

Anh Joseph Cao, (R-LA)   U. S. House Of Representatives Official Portrait 
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) NOV 1 |  A moderate Republican representative from New Orleans, Anh "Joseph" Cao, who is running for reelection in the heavily democratic 2nd Congressional District which includes the city of New Orleans, Orleans, and Jefferson parishes, has come under fire from the head of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins.
Perkins, himself a former member of the Louisiana  State House of Representatives representing the parish of East Baton Rouge, declared that "Congressman Cao's record is dismal on our issues." The FRC, a Washington D. C. based conservative Christian policy group that is vehemently Anti-Gay has attacked Cao in a last minute campaign ad aired on a New Orleans Talk Radio Station known for its heavily conservative programming.
The ad, running  on WRNO 99.5FM, also known as "Rush Radio" because it airs conservative talk-show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, asks:
"Who is Rep. Joseph Cao representing in Washington? Cao has repeatedly voted for extra protections for homosexuals at the cost of religious liberty. Cao voted to use the military to advance the radical social agendas of homosexual activists and he voted for a so-called hate crimes bill that places your personal liberties at jeopardy." The Ad ends with the tag line; "Washington doesn't need more liberal Republicans. Stop Joe Cao on Election Day."
Responding to the ad, the Congressman angrily denounced the ad as a ploy to label him as someone who sacrificed religious freedoms & liberties over equality rights for Gays & Lesbians.
"As a former Jesuit seminarian and practicing Catholic, it is ridiculous to say that I have ever taken a position against religious liberties," Cao said. "I am, however, a champion of human rights and justice for all."
He had co-sponsored both the Hate Crimes Protection Act of 2009 and the House legislation to repeal the policy known as "don't ask, don't tell," which prohibits openly Gay and Lesbian servicemembers in the U. S. armed forces
"I believe it is a human rights violation to impose government-sanctioned penalties on a group of people just because of their sexual orientation, just as it would be a human rights violation to impose penalties on a group because of its religious affiliation or race," Cao said. "I will continue to fight for the protection of human rights for all people."
Perkins feels that Cao is vulnerable and he stated would be keeping a close eye on the 2nd District race to determine whether he needed to increase the advertising efforts to defeat the Congressman from winning reelection. Cao faces State Rep. Cedric Richmond (D), and two other candidates in Tuesday's election. Perkins said Richmond is also unacceptable to the FRC:
 "I know Cedric. I served in the Legislature with him," Perkins said. "He'll be no better."
Perkins said independent Tea Party candidate Anthony Marquize is more in line with FRC thinking.
The Republican Party's national & state offices issued statements supporting the Congressman.
RNC spokesperson Rachel Taylor released a stablemen saying, "The Republican National Committee fully supports Rep. Cao's re-election."
Aaron Baer, the communications director for the Louisiana state party offices said: "Congressman Cao has effectively represented his district in Washington and has served it with honor and integrity. The state GOP ... (is) working hard for his re-election. We strongly disagree with this advertisement."
The New Orleans Times-Picayune newspaper's Washington political correspondent Jonathan Tilove, spoke to Sid Arroyo, a veteran campaign consultant who said he remains undecided between Cao and Richmond. Arroyo, a Republican who has worked for candidates on both sides of the aisle, predicted that;
"Republican turnout is going to be extremely strong on Tuesday and I can't imagine that they are not going to vote straight Republican Party. I don't think the ad really changes anything. It's very perplexing to me," he said of the FRC's decision to go after Cao. 
But Arroyo, who is on the board of the New Orleans-based Forum for Equality, which advocates for equal rights for Gays and Lesbians, suggested it may be Perkins' attempt to change the subject after recent controversial remarks he made suggesting that "the homosexual movement, and their allies in the media and the educational establishment," bear the greatest blame for suicides by Gay youths. Perkins said the "homosexual movement" leads Gay teens to believe they are "born Gay" and can never change.