Thursday, October 28, 2010

Brody's Notes... White House Press Secretary Gibbs: Not Much To Add To President’s Remarks On Same Sex Marriage

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
Photo By Samantha Appleton  The White House
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) OCT 28 | White House Press Secretary Roberts Gibbs, responding to questions from reporters to clarify or add to President Obama's remarks made in yesterday's White House meeting with progressive bloggers, in particular questions on same-sex marriage from Gay blogger Joe Sudbay, said in today's daily press briefing:
“He went through what his position is, he went through why his position was that. But at the same time, he talks to colleagues and coworkers and hears them talking about being treated differently, and the president internalizes that.”
Sudbay writing afterward, had quoted Mr. Obama as saying:
“I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage,” he said. “But I also think you’re right that attitudes evolve, including mine. And I think that it is an issue that I wrestle with and think about because I have a whole host of friends who are in gay partnerships. I have staff members who are in committed, monogamous relationships, who are raising children, who are wonderful parents. And I care about them deeply. And so while I’m not prepared to reverse myself here, sitting in the Roosevelt Room at 3:30 in the afternoon, I think it’s fair to say that it’s something that I think a lot about. That’s probably the best you’ll do out of me today.”
One journalist queried if it was possible that the president may eventually become comfortable on the subject of same sex marriage to which Gibbs paused, then responded with;
“I don’t know the answer to that. I think he listens to those around him who — and those that he meets, that talk about feeling like they’re not treated the same and — even while they’re good parents, they’re good people, and that’s something that he thinks about.”