Monday, October 25, 2010

Brody's Notes... Gary Glenn From Campaign For Michigan Families Calls Lesbian Candidate Stooge

Campaign Poster For Toni Sessoms
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) OCT 25 | The head of the ultra-conservative Anti-Gay/Anti-Abortion Michigan Campaign For Families, and president of the American Family Association of Michigan, Gary Glenn, attacked a candidate running in a relatively obscure statehouse race in Midland County Michigan over the weekend in a robocall made to voters there.
Referring to Liberal Democratic lawyer and openly Lesbian statehouse candidate Toni Sessoms as a stooge for the homosexual activist agenda, Glenn went on nearly ten times using the word homosexual with special emphasis throughout his robo-ad:
"Liberal Democratic lawyer and openly homosexual statehouse candidate Toni Sessoms, doesn't share our values. boasts that Sessoms is 'independently wealthy, and if elected would become the first openly lesbian state representative.'
 Sessoms is endorsed by the homosexual newspaper in Detroit, by Detroit's homosexual equality Michigan PAC and by the Michigan Democratic Party homosexual and transgender caucus. Sessom's campaign manager is the openly homosexual Central Michigan University faculty member who lost the statehouse race two years ago. Her deputy campaign manager was co-president of CMU's homosexual student group -- an openly homosexual candidate with a campaign run by homosexual activists.
But, of course, in a district where voters strongly supported the marriage protection amendment none of this is disclosed on Toni Sessom's campaign material. With homosexual activists in the Michigan Democratic Party pushing to repeal our marriage amendment, our families deserve a state representative we can trust shares our values. Not a candidate with a hidden agenda, homosexual activist agenda, not Toni Sessoms."