Thursday, June 10, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... The Toronto Pride Censorship Scandal: Debacles & Debates

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) June 10 | As the heated debate grows over the decision by the governing body of Toronto Pride to disenfranchise a participating group that has been included in Pride parades & events in previous years, today comes word that speakers from the Human Rights events and certain performers are now pulling out.
As a Canadian and as a native of Ontario, having grown up not far from Toronto Centre, I am appalled by the actions of the Pride committee and its officers in relation to this controversy. 
In my humble opinion, they've lost the bloody plot. Whether or not this can be fixed now is very much in doubt and casts Toronto's Gay community in an unfavourable spotlight globally which is not only embarrassing but disheartening. has assembled their coverage of the debacle in a single place and I urge you to read these fine articles and their accompanying comments as Xtra's  scandal  coverage is edifying,  enlightening, and for me as a Gay Canadian Ex-Pat, rather sad.

[Linked Here]