Saturday, June 5, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Pat Condell On Ground Zero Mosque

Note: This was originally posted by Joe Jervis, publisher & owner of Joe.My.God yesterday on his website. Of the 240 plus comments regarding the following video, this one stood out:
What a horrible hate-filled rant. He certainly likes to stretch the truth doesn't he? The mosque is not "a few yards" from ground zero. It is TWO CITY BLOCKS from the site. And TERRORISTS destroyed the WTC, not Islam. It is one thing to condemn a religion for their policies. There is a lot of human suffering that can be directly attributed to Islam.  
But, Islam is no different from Christianity. There are just as many crazy fundamentalist Christians committing brutal acts of terror in the name of their religion. They bomb abortion clinics, assassinate doctors, kill LGBT people, and have been doing so for decades. Just because there are Christian extremists, that doesn't mean a Christian church shouldn't be allowed to be built somewhere near where violence committed by a Christian terrorist took place.  
On a thread yesterday, [JMG Blogspot] a commenter objected to my comment about the Catholic Church issuing a mandate to Catholics in Haiti that forbids them from using condoms. THAT is exactly the kind of thing we need to point to in order to expose the true harm that is done by organized religions.  "Is America losing its mind?"   No. But, Pat Condell has. Islamonazis!? Give me a break! This guy needs to team up with Glen Beck. He uses the same kind of ridiculous hyperbole and reckless rhetoric.