By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) June 9 | CBS News recently conducted a poll of among a random sample of 1054 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone May 20-24, 2010, which compared responses to questions about Gay Americans from an August 1992 Gallup poll conducted on the same topic.
The CBS News Polling Unit comprised of Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto found that 77% of Americans now say they know someone whose LGBT as compared to the 1992 poll where 42% of respondents indicated that they were aware of a gay person. Additionally, CBS News reports that:
"More than six in ten Americans say they have a close friend, work colleague or relative who is gay or lesbian. Just 22 percent say they do not know anyone at all who falls into that category."
The polling team also found that the terminology used in polling had a small impact on responses to the question regarding relationships. When asked if "homosexual" relations are wrong in the poll, 43 percent said yes. But asked if "same-sex" relations are wrong, that percentage dropped to 39 percent.
Then, on this:
"And while 51 percent see being "homosexual" as something people are born with, a slightly smaller percentage, 47 percent, say being "gay or lesbian" is something people are born with"
Of course what was really telling was the expected free for all in the comments section although this particular commentator summed it up succinctly:
There is a culture war, a civil rights war going on for the heart and soul of America RIGHT NOW. Of course there's passion on both sides. Of course, as in any political campaign, whoever is on the other side is "evil". I am so grateful to the efforts of Wayne Besen of, the Human Rights Campaign ( and the millions of others who have led the LGBT community to VICTORY! How have zealots hurt me? Be creating laws that deny me my Constitutional civil rights to be married. By denying laws that would have prevented me from being fired just for being gay. By denying legal status to my civil union so that my divorce robbed me of everything I had. By forcing me to buy my partner's possessions when he died because I had no legal rights in the State of Florida. All because of a bunch of religious nut-jobs! As far as hate speech is concerned, HELL YES! I'm all in favor of terminating Church's rights to hate speech. You don't have the right to limit my freedom in private with your public speech. You don't have the right to tell me how to conduct my family. All that crap you make up about religious groups not having the right to practice...prove it. Aw, poor Christians... they can't burn an entire town to the ground killing every inhabitant anymore like they did in St. Augustine. Aw! How sad. No more witch trials. No more suicides because of social ostracizing. Boo Hoo. No more stoning people to death. But unfortunately, plucking out two lines from Leviticus while completely ignoring the 3,000 that relate TO YOU is still okay.
The CBS poll can be found here: Poll: With Higher Visibility, Less Disapproval For Gays
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