By Brody Levesque (Bethesda, Maryland) June 12 | The Washington Post is reporting that the Northern Virgina based 'Virginia Partisans' Democratic Party PAC, has invited Virginia's Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, to be their special guest of honour at Washington's Capital Pride Festival today and tomorrow.
According to the Post's Anita Kumar, Cuccinelli will be in attendance although he is unaware of that fact, just yet. She writes:
The Virginia Partisans, a gay rights group with thousands of members in the state, will ask parade attendees to "kiss" a life-size cutout of the controversial attorney general in an event they are affectionately calling "Smooches for Cooch." The group will send a collection of photos of people kissing Cuccinelli to the attorney general along with the message that Virginia is for all lovers. The same motto will appear on stickers and banners at the group's booth along the Pennsylvania Avenue parade route Sunday.
Cuccinelli had generated serious controversy and animus earlier this year when he had sent Virginia's Universities & Colleges a letter advising them to drop any protections against discrimination against LGBT persons either faculty, students, or staff as in his opinion as Virginia's AG, such protections were not permissible under current Virginia Law.
According to Kumar:
"We're sending our love to Ken Cuccinelli,'' said Terry Mansberger, president of the Virginia Partisans. "He's the gift that keeps on giving."
A spokesman for the Attorney General had no comment.
"He's the gift that keeps on giving."
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