"Absolutely, without question – I know a lot of people point to militaries that have allowed homosexuality within the ranks – there’s twenty-five of almost two hundred nations but the top militaries in the world do not allow homosexuality to be openly engaged in, in the military – I mean, if you want a military that just does parades and stuff like that then I guess that’s okay."
The New York Times, in an editorial Friday, urged Congress to repeal DADT writing that don’t ask, don’t tell is a culture war scar on military honour that finds the U. S. alone among the major Western allies in denying qualified Gay men and Lesbians the chance to defend their country. Military generals from Britain, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands and Israel were in Washington last week offering assurances that ending the Gay ban became a nonissue once their services were integrated.
McCain had remarked that;
"Tony, you and I would agree on, but a preemptive repeal without any study, without any assessment on the impact of battle effectiveness is in my view putting our social agenda, or the liberal social agenda, ahead of national security." He also noted that "The Commandant of the Marine Corps has come out flat out saying he opposes repeal – in fact the Commandant of the Marine Corps said that they would have to look at living arrangements that the Marine Corps has. [currently]"
A Senior British Defence official took exception to the inference made that Her Majesty's Armed Forces were apparently ineffective militarily because of integration of Gay & Lesbians, which the official noted has been the case for longer than a decade. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the British official said:
"Mr. Perkins is spouting massive rubbish, as well as unfortunately is unafraid to insult the integrity of other sovereign nation's armed services based on deeply flawed archaic theological doctrines that have no value in modern society."
An Israeli Defence Forces official put it more bluntly;
"Perkins & the Senator are showing their true colours of ignorance, spite, and fear based on assumptions that have proven to be non-issues. It is truly troubling that the United States is still a repository for this type of hate mongering and ill will that is completely inappropriate. Unfortunate that Perkins in particular chose to denigrate the character of other countries' military services just to drive home a mistaken political viewpoint."
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